Monday, August 4, 2008

Extreme Parenting (Don't try this at home.)

This limmerick is in response to Simply Snicker's poetry prompt at . The prompt for this week is: total, tradition, triumph. I'm sure you're glad I decided not to continue my alliterative adventures. Here you go:

There once was an oral tradition
On the triumph of nuclear fission
You yell and blow up
Then they come like a pup
Tails tucked into total submission.


LA Nickers said...

Brings back some historical memories . . .

Well done.

Thanks for participating again this week at SIMPLY SNICKERS.


MEME EXPRESS – daily blog prompts

Anonymous said...

Excellent limerick!

I remember when I used to yell at my kids. It worked with one but not the other.

My entry for SS this week reflects my writers block frustrations


Anonymous said...

LOL! You wrote about my parents! How sweet ... ;p

Tradition vs Innovation